Where on (Google) Earth #280

My former student Jared Fortner (now at Radford University) won Wo(G)E #279 with his immediate recognition of the tsingy of Madagascar.

Jared asked that I host the next edition here also:

Click on the image for the full screenshot: make it bigger and give it some context.

Where is this place? Why should anyone care? First person to (a) identify the location and  (b) describe why it’s interesting gets the ultimate prize: the right (and the responsibility) to host Where on (Google) Earth #281!

No Schott Rule. Go for it, people.

0 thoughts on “Where on (Google) Earth #280”

  1. 5.215N / 60.785W – Eastern Venezuela, near the Guyanan border. The clouds cover the Roraima and Cuquenán (or Kukenán) Tepuys (i.e. giant table mountains) of the Pakaraima Plateau belonging to the Guyana shield. These Tepuys chiefly consist of sandstones making up the Roraima Supergroup of Paleoproterozoic age (~1.87 Ga), and were derived mostly from the Trans-Amazon orogenic belt; here they overlie mostly 2.25-2 Ga Trans-Amazonian metamorphic basement units.


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