Pilot Peak: a classic horn

Along the Beartooth Highway, east of Cooke City, Montana, you will see this striking mountain:

Click through to make it really big.

That’s Pilot Peak. It’s a horn in Wyoming. My Rockies students get really jazzed when they see it.

Glaciers carved away the rest of the mountain, leaving only this pyramidal spire. Awesome.

6 thoughts on “Pilot Peak: a classic horn”

    • Actually, while I may not be right, I can say with certainty that it is not Beartooth Peak. Here’s a map: Pilot Peak vs. Beartooth Peak (Click to see the whole map)

    • sheesh Larry – that’s a bold statement considering it is you who is completely wrong. You might want to reign in your posting language. It’s Pilot Peak

  1. Callan right…Pilot Peak. I’ve seen several assign this as Beartooth MOUNTAIN…it may be a local designation, but Beartooth is itself right there at the Pass in the Beartooth Range. My Yellowstone photographer friends confirmed all of this and the labeled map you show is correct! Was going through my photos of a trip there and had to ask at the Yellowstone for the Enjoyment of the People FB page…which, by the way i where photographers post photos daily that would be of geologic interest.


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