0 thoughts on “What do you see here?”

  1. Let’s see . . . a coarse grained intermediate bedded sand stone with erosion controlled (at least initially) by jointing running mostly upper right to lower left but also upper left to lower right. Then on the right hand side just below center I think I see a trace fossil??

  2. Before zooming in, I would have said it’s a heavily jointed, weathered sandstone; but after zooming in, it looks more like limestone or dolomite (sorry–dolostone). The weathering style isn’t typical for a carbonate rock subject to rain/chemical weathering, so I’m guessing it’s been sand-blasted in a desert environment.

  3. That’s what I get for not zooming. I think you guys are right, some sort of chemical sed rx and I think my trace fossil is just bedding seen at an angle.


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