0 thoughts on “Moving”

    • Hi Chris,
      Everything’s a trade-off. I’m not going to be making that commute very often – once a week maximum during the coming year, and then one or two times per week after that (depending on how much of my teaching I shift to the online realm). Bear in mind that my DC-to-NOVA commute was 30 minutes on a good day, 45 to 55 on a bad day. My new Fort-Valley-to-NOVA commute will be more like an hour and 15 minutes on a good day, but I’ll time it to avoid traffic, so hopefully the hour and a half scenario happens only rarely – and anyhow, 90 minutes twice a week (one day, there and back) is in fact less time on the road than 30 minutes ten times a week (5 days, there and back).
      I’ve only been living out here for 3 days now, but I can already tell that we made the right choice moving here. My quality of life has skyrocketed. I love being surrounded by the forest and the mountains, hearing the diverse birds, examining the bugs on my screen, the plants in my yard. And as far as that long commute is concerned: podcasts!!
      PS – Come visit and I’ll show you how good it is down here!! 🙂

  1. Congratulations!
    FWIW, out construction company has just received approval for our Blue Hole hydroelectric project. Would you like some locally-sourced, low carbon electricity?

  2. Looks like country living. That back lot looks unbuildable, always a plus, one gets to use the land for walking about without paying the taxes on the ground.

  3. Ma. Mountains with Little Cr. Mountain, US

    The geology of these Mountains is dominated by Silurian Sandstone, a lateral equivalent of the Tuscarora Formation in the Appalachian Mountains, overlying an Ordovician shale. Erosion of the shale in some areas of the mountain caused the sandstone to break and slide to form talus slopes. The Sandstone is folded in a synclinorium, and it outcrops at the ridge tops.


    Congratulations to your new home and best wishes (no fire, no termites, no hurricanes, no earthquakes…)


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