Fold mystery – UPDATED

What can you tell me about this new fold sample I recently acquired?

Width of sample is 12.5 cm. The face you’re looking at was cut but not polished. Here’s a close up:

With layering annotated, to highlight the disharmonic nature of these folds:

Anyone have any guesses what’s going on here?

——————– UPDATE ——————

Simon Wellings guessed it – this is a lasagna! I changed the color in Photoshop so you wouldn’t be distracted by its foodness, and would instead focus on its foldness.

Thanks for playing along!

Do you see geologic lessons in your food too?

0 thoughts on “Fold mystery – UPDATED”

  1. Looks like the darker green layers were made of stronger stuff – or were more crystalline during deformation – and thus kept their shape better during compression. The light green deformed massively, but was semi-crystalline and so didn’t expand/settle into void spaces.

  2. I’ll be attempt to say there was a kind of disturbances or something like boiling that stopped rapidly due to a difference between two opposite conditions hot and cold


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