Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux

The week before last, on the flight home from Texas, I finished reading Dark Star Safari, Paul Theroux’s 2004 account of traveling overland through Africa from Cairo to Cape Town. I’ve enjoyed Theroux’s traveling writing very much over the years, and although he’s written some great novels (I’m thinking of Mosquito Coast), most of them … Read more

Friday fold: Gansbaai

A small mountain inland of Gansbaai, South Africa (where one goes to cage-dive with great white sharks) shows some of the folding characteristic of the Cape Fold Belt. Let’s zoom in… A few bedding traces annotated, to ease your armchair fold-viewing experience. I think this is my final photo from South Africa… Wow. Only took … Read more

A few folds from Betty’s Bay

Here are a few folds in the quartzites of the Cape Fold Belt, exposed on the mountainsides of the Harold Porter Botanical Gardens in Betty’s Bay, South Africa. Hillside #1: Zooming in closer: Annotated (bedding traced out): Hillside #2: Zooming in on summit region: Annotated (bedding traced out): Zooming in on the central portion of … Read more