Monday macrobug: Delicate little wasp

We had several of these guys come inside in October, only to find themselves trapped and spend days flying around the window screens, trying to find a way back outside. This one is dead: Look at those stripey antennae! That thread-like waist! That extended stinger(?) or is it an ovipositor?

Monday macrobug: parsleyworm

Look what I found while out weed-whacking in the yard: (gloved fingers for scale) That’s the larva of the black swallowtail butterfly. This good-looking caterpillar is colloquially known as a “parsleyworm.” In these last two shots, check it out without and with the osmeteria (fleshy “horns” behind the head) everted in defense: The osmeteria get … Read more

Monday macrobugs: Wasp trio

Last week, we featured an insect that got into the house. This week, three insects that found their way into our screened-in porch. Wasps have an uncanny ability to get in there and get stuck. We inadvertently nab at least one per day that way. Pencil eraser for scale.