Platypus, by Ann Moyal

The platypus is extraordinary, and this is a book about how we came to know that. Written by a historian of Australian science, Platypus is subtitled, “The extraordinary story of how a curious creature baffled the world.”  Moyal recounts the first specimens being sent back to the intellectual centers of western Europe (London and Paris, … Read more

Friday fold: Cape Liptrap

Sandra McLaren of the University of Melbourne is the source of today’s guest Friday Fold. Let’s join her on a journey with her students to Cape Liptrap (southeast of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia) on a lovely day: What a spectacular place. (We have featured folds from this site previously.) Happy Friday all!

Friday folds: Cape Liptrap

I got this note via email last week. Hi Callan, First of all, congratulations to your blog. It is just great. I would like to contribute to your “Friday fold” section. A few words about myself. I am born in Austria and did my BSc and MSc at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben. In September 2011 I started … Read more