Four new GIGAmacro images

Here are a few new images I’ve been working on with my home-based Magnify2 imaging system from GIGAmacro. Archean basement complex gneiss from the Gallatin Range of Montana: Link (If this looks familiar, that’s because one of the samples I imaged with the Photoscan 3D modeling technique and published on Sketchfab the week before last.) … Read more

Friday folds: three lovely specimens from the Carleton College rock garden

I was up in Carleton College (Northfield, Minnesota) for most of the week, working on a new teaching module for the InTeGrate project. On the way between our work area and the cafeteria where we ate lunch, we passed the geology department’s rock garden. They have some great specimens there, some big, some small. Here … Read more

Snowball students visit the University of Maryland

The final meeting of my spring semester Snowball Earth class was a field trip to the University of Maryland, hosted by Snowball guru Jay Kaufman, a specialist in chemostratigraphy using stable isotopes. Here, Jay welcomes the class to his wet lab: Doing chemostratigraphy takes lots of samples. Here’s a drawer full of samples from one … Read more

Folded BIFs of Soudan, Minnesota

Why are these people smiling? photo by Yvette Kuiper Because they are structural geologists, and they are psyched to be at an extraordinary outcrop: This is a famous pavement outcrop of polyphase-folded banded iron formation (BIF) near Soudan, Minnesota. I went there last fall before the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, on … Read more

Friday fold(s): a few from Fossen

Norwegian structural geologist Haaken Fossen contributes two incredible images for this week’s Friday fold: a pavement of drastically-shortened banded iron formation from Minnesota, and a trio of three white granitoid dikes, buckled within a gneiss from the Jotun Nappe, in the Norwegian Caledonides. Gorgeous images of gorgeous folds, with links to the rest of Fossen’s collection.