A day in the life

This month’s Accretionary Wedge is being hosted by Ed over at Geology Happens. Ed asks the rest of us a simple question, “What are you working on now?” Gosh, where to start? It’s a busy time for me, but then again, it almost always is. I spent last week immersed in the NE/SE GSA section … Read more

Transect debrief 1: starting in the basement

It is time to debrief the post-NE/SE-GSA field trip that I went on, affectionately dubbed the “Transect Trip” for the past 27 iPhone-uploaded “live”-geoblogged posts. First off, I’d have to say that I enjoyed the live-field-blogging experiment overall, though I’ve got some critiques of the process and products. I think it’s amazing that I can … Read more


Guess which day I launched the blog? Thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far. I’ve gotten the same question several times from several readers, so let me address it here for everyone’s edification: Yes, NOVA Geoblog will be left “as is,” where it is. You can link to it, or bookmark it, or … Read more

All that came before

Mountain Beltway is the new home for Callan Bentley’s geoblogging. NOVA Geoblog will soon be closed, but will be left untouched. Like a fossil, it will be static but present, an artifact from an earlier time. It is hoped that the thousand-plus posts accumulated there will continue to be useful to the Internet-surfing public.