Friday fold(s): More kinky phyllite, but this time from the field

Last week, the Friday fold featured a kinked phyllite of unknown provenance that is currently resident in David King Hall 2074 on the campus of George Mason University. However, on Tuesday of last week, I found another kinked phyllite, this one out in the real world, at Thoroughfare Gap, in the Harpers Formation of the … Read more

Deformational fabrics in the Weverton Formation

My student Troy was working on the geologic history of the Thoroughfare Gap regions for his Honors project this semester, and we went out there last week to check out some stuff. One thing I was struck by was how much more deformed these rocks were than I had expected. This was particularly evident in … Read more

Plumofare Gap

I already mentioned the “paddle hackle” that I saw on the field trip I took to Thoroughfare Gap in February. Well, this week I went back out to Throughfare Gap twice, once with a student and once with my fianceĆ© and a friend of ours. I saw cool new plumes both times, decorating joint surfaces … Read more

Friday fold: Buckled vein in the Catoctin

Another fold seen in the Catoctin Formation, where last week we encountered a very different style of folding — chevrons overprinting Catoctin foliation. Here, we instead have a light colored vein that appears to have been buckled into a semi-ptygmatic form. The trace of the foliation in the Catoctin is discernible, too. Enjoy your Friday!