More books

I am way, way, way behind in reporting on the books I’ve read. As time goes by, the list gets longer, and the “book report” more daunting… So I’m going to do a brief book report in hopes of clearing out the backlog: What if? by Randall Munroe Really entertaining scientific answers to ridiculous questions, … Read more

Book report

Callan reviews 11 books he’s read in the past 11 months, some having to do with geology, many with the intellectual heritage of scientific insight, a few about history, two biographies, and some about random things.

The Moral Landscape, by Sam Harris

Sam Harris wrote a couple of excellent missives on the downsides of modern religious thinking and religious institutions in The End of Faith and the sequel which rebutted some of the U.S. criticism from it, called Letter to a Christian Nation. He published a new major work in 2010, The Moral Landscape: How Science Can … Read more

God’s Harvard, by Hanna Rosin

I recently read God’s Harvard, by Washington Post reporter Hanna Rosin. It’s a profile of the people and philosophy behind Patrick Henry College, a private Christian college located not too far from me, in Purcellville, Virginia. PHC is an Evangelical place that strives to serve its homeschooled matriculating freshmen with a sense of worldliness and … Read more

Refuge, by Terry Tempest Williams

When Michael Collier came to visit last year, he recommended a couple of books to me. I finally got around to reading the first of them – Refuge, a memoir mixed with natural history of Utah by Terry Tempest Williams. The arc of the story is essentially twofold: the women in Williams’ family get cancer, … Read more

The Snoring Bird, by Bernd Heinrich

Some time ago, when I reviewed some books here, Thomas Hodgson left the suggestion that I might enjoy The Snoring Bird, by Bernd Heinrich. So I asked the library to order it, and they did, and as soon as it arrived, someone else checked it out. Then I got my turn, and today, when I … Read more