Shear bands in the Grassy Portage Sill

Continuing now with the discussion of my pre-GSA meeting field trip to examine the structural geology of the Quetico-Wabigoon subprovince boundary within the Superior Craton of southern Ontario, Canada. Our penultimate stop on the second day of the trip was a roadcut exposing the gabbro of the Grassy Portage Sill. This is what it looks … Read more


You may recall that I kind of like boudinage. So it piqued my interest when our field trip leaders (on the pre-GSA Minneapolis trip to examine the structural geology of the sub-province boundaries in the Superior Craton) said our next stop was to visit “pseudoboudins,” segments of granitoid pegmatites that looked like boudins but probably … Read more

The Ottertail Pluton

After the awesome outcrops and pavements of strained metaconglomerates from the Quetico / Wabigoon subprovince boundaries of the Superior Craton, my pre-GSA field trip visited the most charmingly-named magma chamber I’ve ever seen, the cuddly-sounding Ottertail Pluton. This is an Algoman-type pluton which is discordant to tonalite-composition gneisses in the area. As with the Giants … Read more

Friday fold: cleaved slate in Kootenay National Park

This summer, a week or two after our wedding, my wife and I found ourselves in the Canadian Rockies for a pre-honeymoon. Part of our time was spent on a backpacking trip to Floe Lake in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia. On our hike in, we passed this outcrop of Chancellor Slate, a Cambrian aged … Read more

Pavement outcrops of strained Seine conglomerate

Picking up from the astonishing first couple of outcrops we saw of strained Seine Group metaconglomerate from the boundary between the Wabigoon and Quetico sub-provinces of the Superior Craton, our group moved on down the road. It was lovely clear fall weather near Fort Frances, and shockingly warm. Our third stop of the morning was … Read more

Strained Timiskaming-type metaconglomerates from Ontario

Why are these geologists all over these rocks? Because, gentle readers, these are some seriously cool rocks. The geologists are all participants on a pre-GSA-annual-meeting field trip to the Superior Craton, a chunk of ancient crust at the “nucleus” of the North American continent. The rocks are syn-tectonic volcaniclastic conglomerates of the Seine Group. They … Read more

Friday fold: isoclinal dextral asymmetric granitoid vein

The “Friday fold” is an isoclinal dextrally-asymmetric granitoid vein exposed north of Fort Frances, Ontario. Taken on October 7, 2011, the photo features a centimeter-demarcated pencil for scale. It shows thickened hinges, boudinage of the lower right long limb, and incipient boudinage of the upper left long limb.

A Burgess plume

At the Burgess Shale this summer, it wasn’t all fun and fossils. I also saw a lovely, distinctly feather-shaped plume: This is an example of plumose structure – the subtle branching micro-topography that forms on the surface of a joint as the fracture propagates out from its origin. The more obvious “rib” that is perpendicular … Read more

Friday fold: just Kidding

You’re looking here at Mount Kidd, a peak in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rockies that displays a tight anticline/syncline duo superimposed on the strata of the Rundle Group. Located on the west side of Highway 40, the Kananaskis Trail, south of the trans-Canada Highway, this mountain shows us what happens with Carboniferous-aged carbonates … Read more