Friday fold: Nashoba migmatite

The Friday fold is a contribution from the Massachusetts Geological Survey. It shows a migmatite with lovely structure. An upcoming (free) field trip to this location will be part of the 2012 Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum: an event readers may be interested in attending

Sharing the M.A.G.I.C.

Last Thursday, my colleague Jim Buecheler and I took two students (Robin Rohrback and Alan Pitts) down to Charlottesville, Virginia, for a meeting at the state geological survey. The Department of Geology and Mineral Resources sponsors an annual one-day symposium on Virginia geology that I’ve participated in two or three times before. Last year I … Read more

InTeGrate, and some UTEP folds

I’m in El Paso, Texas, today (and tomorrow and Saturday), collaborating on a massive brainstorming session for a new NSF-funded initiative called InTeGrate, which is all about Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future. As leader Cathy Manduca said today when she opened our session, “We’re here to save the world!” And we’re going … Read more

The GSA meeting experience, 2011

I’m on the plane home from the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, held this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This annual event features a robust smorgasbord of science, with talks and posters detailing the research efforts of thousands of geoscientists from the US and other countries. It’s an amazing experience on many, many … Read more

Geoblogger/Geotweep Rendezvous, summer 2012?

At the end of the summer, there was a conversation on Twitter about having a meet-up (“rendezvous” sounds more authentic, it was pointed out) for folks involved in geology social media: stuff like geoblogs and Twitter, but pretty much open to whoever’s into meeting up in some interesting place and exploring some geology together. Following … Read more

My week

This week is “Wyoming Energy Resources field trip” week! Day Start End Destination August 1st Sheridan, WY Lander, WY Gas Hills Uranium District August 2nd Lander, WY Lander, WY Green River Basin Oil Shale and South Pass/ Atlantic City Mining District August 3rd Lander, WY Newcastle, WY Smith Ranch-Highland Uranium ISR Mine and Mill near … Read more

Explore the DGMR rock garden

I shot this gigapan (900 images) last Thursday during the lunch break of the annual “Geology of Virginia” symposium hosted by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Geology and Mineral Resources. [gigapan id=”75096″] It shows the rock garden outside the DGMR’s offices in Charlottesville, a place where they have collected charismatic megasamples from across the … Read more

A glacial delta complex in western Pennsylvania

A week ago Saturday, my three Honors students and I went on a field trip led by Gary Fleeger of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, to examine some cool glacial features in western Pennsylvania. The trip was associated with the joint meeting of the northeastern & north-central sections of the Geological Society of America, held in … Read more