Animated GIF of the Walker Top Granite

Here’s one of the cool rocks I saw on my pre-GSA-Charlotte field trip to the Neoacadian Inner Piedmont field trip: the protomylonitic Walker Top Granite (~366 Ma crystallization), which was deformed as the terrane it was intruded into got shoved up and to the west (and perhaps the southwest!). Here’s an animated GIF I made … Read more

Friday fold: Nashoba migmatite

The Friday fold is a contribution from the Massachusetts Geological Survey. It shows a migmatite with lovely structure. An upcoming (free) field trip to this location will be part of the 2012 Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum: an event readers may be interested in attending

Friday fold: a tortured tempestite

Hand sample of folded limestone strata in West Virginia (presumably Devonian in age). Note the rip-up clasts and large grain size at the base of the sample (to the right in the photo). Note the fine-grained, thin-bedded shale laminations towards the top (left) of the sample, too. Together, they tell a story of decreasing energy … Read more

Sed or meta? Yes.

Today, two examples of outcrops that reveal an overprinting relationship between metamorphic cleavage and sedimentary bedding. Both are Devonian in depositional age, from the new stretch of New Route 55 in West Virginia, west of Moorefield. The first is from limestones of the Helderberg Group, and the second is from shale of the Brallier Formation. … Read more