Abundance, by Karen Lloyd
Callan reviews a new book about endangered species and ecosystem recovery in various parts of Europe.
Callan reviews a new book about endangered species and ecosystem recovery in various parts of Europe.
Stereotypically, I think of anthropologists as scholars who head off into years-long sojourns embedded with indigenous peoples, learning their cultures, practices, and insights. Vincent Ialenti has shown me that modern anthropologists can study other groups too. Ialenti’s population of interest is a modern group of European geoscientists, nuclear engineers, and planners. Together, they are charged … Read more
Reader Michael Hiteshaw spotted some amazing folds this week while watching Kayak Session TV on YouTube. Though there’s a dramatic arc of “saving” a deer, both Michael and I felt our eyes drawn to the canyon walls where there are gorgeous folds in several sizes and shapes, with an emphasis on chevron folds: The … Read more
My friend Alan Pitts is orchestrating a virtual field camp for George Mason University this summer, utilizing outcrops in central Italy’s Apennine Mountains. Here’s a 3D model he just posted of one of the most impressive outcrops there: the chevron folds in the Scaglia Rossa limestones at Lago di Fiastra. I featured the site as … Read more
Folded Eocene turbidites exposed on the face of a spectacular waterfall in the Spanish Pyrenees. It’s Friday; enjoy this fold!
The Friday folds are revealed in an elegant cross-section through fantastic rocks in the Extremadura region of Spain.
AGU’s Chief Digital Officer Jay Brodsky offers up a fresh European fold for you today — and this one is on rather a smaller scale than Jay’s last Friday fold contribution… Click through for a bigger version. These are lovely crinkly folds in highly foliated rocks. I love boxy little crenulations like these. Jay tells … Read more
Science writer Gabe Popkin shared two fold photos with me this week – both from near Sargans, Switzerland, adjacent to the Rhine River Valley and the border with Lichtenstein. The photos shows the mountain called Gonzen. There, Jurassic limestones crop out in a very wavy pattern: I don’t know the geology of this area in … Read more
Naomi Barshi shares this “deskcrop” Friday fold… Naomi says she found this fold: near the Riffelhorn, Gornergrat, above Zermatt, Switzerland. The sample has befriended my other show-off sample of a mantle xenolith from San Quintin, Baja California. Thanks for sharing, Naomi! The xenolith is a nice bonus!
The Friday fold is a recumbent anticline/syncline pair, deforming the K/Pg boundary in the Swiss Alps, as photographed from the air by Bernhard Edmaier.
It’s the last day of the work week. Some photos of isoclinal syn-depositional folding in Sardinian tuff will get your Friday off on the right foot.
Ahh, Sicily on a Friday morning. Join us to examine a spectacular arch of gypsum from the Messinian evaporite package.
A Friday fold from Germany showing an overturned sequence of sedimentary layers. Bedding / cleavage relationships show which limb is tectonically inverted. Furthermore, this fold was an “Aha!” moment for the budding geological mind of a small boy.
The Friday fold is a guest submission from AGU’s new Chief Digital Officer, and shows a spectacular set of recumbent folds in Crete.
A return to coastal Italy on this wintry Friday… You’ll recall that The Other Callan shared some fold imagery with us a few weeks back as he explored the Cinque Terre region of Italy. He is back in the States now, and has been kind enough to share his geology-themed photos with me, so I … Read more
The Friday fold comes to us from Corsica via University of Washington structural geologist Darrel Cowan. It’s a marble that’s been folded *twice!*
For this Friday’s fold, we must journey to the storied Cinque Terre coastline of Italy, where we will encounter some mysterious turbidites…
TGIF: “Thank Geology It’s Friday!”
Time for a fold or a dozen – let’s travel to the Italian Dolomites to see some kinky crumpled limestones…
Via Twitter, a Friday fold from Maddy Rushing: #FridayFold, @callanbentley? pic.twitter.com/eaKIuuvFgB — Maddy Rushing (@komaddyite) May 25, 2018 This is in the Alps of Switzerland; I don’t know more about it than that. If you recognize the site or the geology, educate us in the comments!
My friend Karen Aucker from NAGT’s Eastern Section shared these images (and a video!) of the folds she glimpsed from the cable-car on her way up the Schilthorn in Switzerland. I reckon they will do for our Friday fold: [youtube_agu id=RmxCN8Pte38] Thanks for sharing, Karen! These are great. Happy Friday, all!