Friday folds: Cape Liptrap

I got this note via email last week. Hi Callan, First of all, congratulations to your blog. It is just great. I would like to contribute to your “Friday fold” section. A few words about myself. I am born in Austria and did my BSc and MSc at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben. In September 2011 I started … Read more


When are sedimentary layers also faults? …When the slab-like layers slip over and under one another during the act of folding. Structures traditionally confined to faults show up on the bedding plane in these circumstances. Callan shares a shiny example from West Virginia in the form of an animated GIF.

Folded BIFs of Soudan, Minnesota

Why are these people smiling? photo by Yvette Kuiper Because they are structural geologists, and they are psyched to be at an extraordinary outcrop: This is a famous pavement outcrop of polyphase-folded banded iron formation (BIF) near Soudan, Minnesota. I went there last fall before the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, on … Read more

Friday fold: the Contorted Bed

Callan reviews the geology of the superlatively auriferous Witwatersrand Supergroup of South Africa, and then zooms in on a distinctive marker bed near the base of the sequence. The deformation in this particular banded iron formation (BIF) is an aesthetic wonder, as this suite of images reveal. The layer outcrops in the heart of urban Johannesburg.

Friday fold: mafic metavolcanics

Okay – in spite of numerous distractions (see every other post so far this week), it’s time to return to the pre-GSA Minneapolis structural geology field trip. Our final stop of the second day in the field was a series of folded up mafic metavolcanics. I’ve got some photographs of them. These mafic volcanics were … Read more