Friday fold: “Hinges Cemetery” by José Julian Esteban

Cretaceous calcarenite layers, folded along the coast of Spain (?). From the repository of geological images hosted by the European Geological Union, Imaggeo. I was reminded of Imaggeo earlier this week, and it’s a great place to go browse around for cool photos of geological things. It could use a better search interface, but oh … Read more

Mount Washington 4: folded granite dikes

We now return to Mount Washington, New Hampshire, where our intrepid heroes summit the mountain in a mere three hours (from Pinkham Notch via the Lion Head): To refresh your memory of the story so far, we had seen metamorphosed turbidites, like this one (new image): …and checked out some gorgeous metamorphic porphyroblasts of “pseudoandalusite,” … Read more

Friday fold: conference samples

At last weekend’s northeastern / north-central GSA meeting in Pittsburgh, David Saja of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History presented a talk entitled, “Geometric Analysis of Folded Greywacke Layers from Pacheco Pass, California.” [Abstract link] In addition to the standard PowerPoint presentation that 99% of GSA speakers use, David also brought in some hand-samples (what … Read more

French Thrust

That title sounds kinky, right? Well, calm down. I’m behind the curve on the latest Accretionary Wedge (as I was for the one before that), but here’s a quick image to join the parade of geologic photos that Ann is hosting. While it’s not my favorite, it’s definitely a favorite, more by virtue of the … Read more

Friday fold: Buckled vein in the Catoctin

Another fold seen in the Catoctin Formation, where last week we encountered a very different style of folding — chevrons overprinting Catoctin foliation. Here, we instead have a light colored vein that appears to have been buckled into a semi-ptygmatic form. The trace of the foliation in the Catoctin is discernible, too. Enjoy your Friday!