Friday folds: Sardinian tuff
It’s the last day of the work week. Some photos of isoclinal syn-depositional folding in Sardinian tuff will get your Friday off on the right foot.
It’s the last day of the work week. Some photos of isoclinal syn-depositional folding in Sardinian tuff will get your Friday off on the right foot.
The Friday fold comes to us from Corsica via University of Washington structural geologist Darrel Cowan. It’s a marble that’s been folded *twice!*
The Friday fold takes us to the French Mediterranean island of Corsica. Are you ready to dip into the blueschist facies in search of sheath folds?
I was in southern France last week, exploring an awesome suite of caves cut into the Causses limestone plateau. My family and I took an afternoon to paddle a canoe down 5 kilometers of the Célé River. While floating along, we spied a gentle, open fold in the limestone layers that crop out along the … Read more