Friday fold: Three more from the Chancellor Slate

Remember our examination of buckle folding versus passive folding in the Chancellor Slate (cleaved limy mudrock) of eastern British Columbia? Well, here’s another example: There’s so much awesomeness going on in that image, it’s hard to know where to start. The prominent black thin layers are buckled in a very boxy, asymmetric way. In places, … Read more

Friday fold: passively folded marble

It’s Friday! Here’s Baxter, last Friday, in Athens, Greece. He’s checking out some folds in the marble that’s everywhere in that city: This is a lovely example of passive folding, where all the rock layers being folded have about the same viscosity (low viscosity contrast between layers). No buckling, as a result… Enjoy the weekend, … Read more

Friday fold: Miette Group anticline in Banff National Park, Alberta

Here’s an outcrop of Miette Group slate, seen at the intersection of the Icefields Parkway with the Trans-Canada Highway, just north of Lake Louise, Alberta: There’s a lovely anticline just to the right of Zack, who obligingly provided a sense of scale. Also note how cleavage which is subparallel to bedding on the far left … Read more

Friday fold: Quartz vein in Catoctin Formation, Point of Rocks, Maryland

I took this image in 2005, when I was working up a geologic history of the C&O Canal National Historical Park. It’s a vein of quartz, gracefully folded within the Catoctin Formation. The exposure is along the railroad tracks at Point of Rocks, Maryland, easternmost extent of the Blue Ridge province on the north shore … Read more