Friday fauxld: Pennsylvanian plant fossil

Have a gander at this: Given that this is a Friday on Mountain Beltway,  you might expect to see a fold here, and indeed, there’s something wavy and high-contrast running through the center of this sample. But that’s no fold. It’s a fossil plant! A “reed” of some kind, I guess. You can also see … Read more

Friday fold: Paw Paw Tunnel anticline

As with last week, the Friday fold comes from my Field Studies in Geology class to Sideling Hill and the Paw Paw Tunnel. This is a view of the downstream (north) entrance to the Tunnel, with students highlighting the trace of bedding in the turbidites of the Brallier Formation: Can’t make it all out? Let’s … Read more

Friday fold: Sideling Hill

Here’s what the Sideling Hill road cut looked like last month: It’s a terrific example of a syncline. Usually I show folds in profile view, but here, the view is essentially perpendicular (not parallel) to the axis of the fold: Sideling Hill’s rocks are early Mississippian in age, made of debris shed off the late … Read more

Friday fold: limestones of the Silurian, Corridor H

For the Friday fold, let’s journey back to the Silurian, as exposed in the limestones of that age that were deformed during Alleghanian mountain-building (Pennsylvanian and Permian), and exposed along Corridor H in eastern West Virginia. Some buckling (cuspate-lobate form) seen in that one… A little pop-up with hinge collapse: And, finally, as a digestif, … Read more

Friday fold: Shuswap marble, British Columbia

Howard Allen, a blog reader from Canada, digitized a bunch of folds for us from his old Kodachrome slides. You’ll be seeing selections from these images over the weeks to come. Get psyched! There are some great folds in this batch. Here’s the first: Howard’s description: 3D folded marble, Shuswap Metamorphic Complex, north of Sicamous, … Read more