Friday fold: Valentine’s Day at Newberry Caldera’s big obsidian flow

Scott Johnson contributed this special “Valentine’s Day” edition of the Friday fold: a lovely primary igneous structure that evokes a heart: That’s a close-up view (lens cap for scale) that Scott took when he GigaPanned this feature: [gigapan id=”137203″] link … the big obsidian flow at Newberry Crater in Oregon. That’s a really dry lava … Read more

Friday fold: Okanagan gneiss

Todd Redding is our genorous sponsor for this week’s Friday fold. Todd reports that this boulder is derived from the Okanagan Metamorphic Complex near Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. He gives its lat/long as 49°28’14.10″N, 119°30’23.14″W. Did you spot the small fault in there, too? Thanks for sharing, Todd!

Friday fold: anticline in Belgium

Reader Eric Fulmer contributed this week’s Friday fold. It’s a beauty! Eric writes that this outcrop is from “the Belgian Ardennes near Durbuy. There’s a well-exposed anticline along the Ourthe River. The stone is late-Devonian limestone typical of the immediate area that was later deformed regionally due to the Variscan orogeny. The Ardennes are classic … Read more

Friday fold: El Gordo slump(?) block

I ran out of folds last week, so earlier this week, I asked for help on Twitter. Laura Hamilton responded with a link to this image: @callanbentley El Gordo, S Spain. Huge turbidite block! Folded over as it moved over the seafloor 🙂 — lau.rah (@hammijam) December 23, 2013 Sweet. And you can’t complain … Read more

Friday fold: Another from Cristo Rey

The laccolith of Cristo Rey, at the Chihuahua / Texas / New Mexico triple point, is host to some cool geology. It’s cored by the Campus Andesite (47 Ma, Eocene) but surrounding the intrusion are a slew of sedimentary rocks, include the Turitella-bearing limestones of the Buda Formation and the shales and sandstones of the … Read more

Friday fold: Kink banding in Purcell limestones, Crypt Lake trail

Hiking up to Crypt Lake in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada, you can see some sweet stromatolites, and folds, too. But it’s not only that – you can also find some decent kink bands in those strata, too! These kink bands will serve as our Friday fold, on this Crypt-Lake-o-centric week. Here’s a second, … Read more