Friday fold: Ventura Avenue Anticline

A guest post today for the Friday fold from my former student Naseem Naghdi, who’s now in southern California: The Ventura Avenue anticline is a fault-propogated fold and is located in the core of (Conoco’s) San Miguelito oil field, which is on the Ventura-Rincon anticlinorium. Carbon dating of seashells have indicated that the terraces range … Read more

Friday fold: below the Dorado Thrust

Here’s a scene from last summer’s Regional Field Geology of the Northern Rockies course… students examining and sketching some tight folds in Cretaceous strata of the Western Interior Seaway, crumpled beneath the Dorado Thrust (a more southerly equivalent of the infamous Lewis Thrust to the north)… I’ve featured this site before, in a previous Friday … Read more

Friday fold: recumbent fold at Two Medicine Lake, Montana

Here’s a photo from Tom Biggs (University of Virginia), taken on the NOVA Rockies field course last summer. It shows a recumbent fold along the Front Range of Glacier National Park, in Montana, just north of Two Medicine Lake. I hope you get some ‘recumbent’ time this weekend… I know I could use some rest. … Read more

Friday fold: Kink band in Lodgepole Limestone, Sacagawea Peak, Bridger Range, Montana

As I’ve mentioned previously, I spent some time making GigaPans this summer out west. Here’s Lily and me on the crest of the Bridger Range, enjoying the clear skies and great geology: When this portrait was taken (by our friend Lindsay), I was shooting this GigaPan: [gigapan id=”135511″] link Try exploring it to see if … Read more