Friday fold: Sandy Hollow, Montana

Today, a view to the southwest, from close to the hinge of the main anticline in the Sandy Hollow area, a classic geological field mapping locality in southern Montana: Triassic-aged Dinwoody Formation dominates the main part of the scene. Note how the strike and dip of the positively-weathering strata wrap around. Our Rockies students mapped … Read more

Friday fold: South Pass City, Wyoming

Two summers ago, my wife (then my very new wife) Lily and I participated in a two-week workshop for teachers on the energy resources of Wyoming. We also indulged in a visit to a mineral resource site: South Pass City, a site in the southern Wind River Uplift that was the second oldest incorporated town … Read more

Friday folds: three lovely specimens from the Carleton College rock garden

I was up in Carleton College (Northfield, Minnesota) for most of the week, working on a new teaching module for the InTeGrate project. On the way between our work area and the cafeteria where we ate lunch, we passed the geology department’s rock garden. They have some great specimens there, some big, some small. Here … Read more