Friday fold: the folded xenoliths of Duck Creek

On Duck Creek (Ellendale, NC quadrangle), you can see folded xenoliths within the Toluca Granite (383 Ma, 378 Ma, or 368 Ma, depending on which mineral you ask). The granite there contains xenoliths that contain pre-exisiting fabrics and structures, and we stopped at Duck Creek on the pre-GSA-Charlotte field trip I took to the Neoacadian … Read more

Friday fold: Pakistani Perplexity

In last week’s Friday fold, I featured this image… …which prompted commenter Lynn David to ask, What’s going on to the west side of that red/green rock cored syncline in #2? It looks like some sort of disconformity but then I looked closer (and man, does that rock redden up) and it appears that the … Read more

Friday fold: Chert chunk

Picked this one up the summer before last and took its portrait without recording too much else about it. There’s a small fault in there towards the bottom too. Sorry I forgot to mention it. My fault… Happy Friday! A light rock for “black Friday,” eh? Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

Friday fold: Pofadder shear zone mylonites in 3D

Christie Rowe sent me these two images. They were taken by Ben Melosh and Louis Smit.  The folded layers are mylonites of the Pofadder Shear Zone in South Africa. I love it when folds are expressed not only in profile, but also in three dimensions. Nothing in life could possibly be better. We’ve featured the … Read more