Friday fold: the importance of younging direction

Today’s edition of the Friday fold is a cross-section: Doesn’t look too spectacular, does it? — “Why, it’s just a bunch of strata folded into anticlines and synclines,” I’ll bet you’re thinking. But no… it’s actually more complicated than that. We know it’s more complicated by examining geopetal primary structures in the strata. Geopetal structures … Read more

Friday fold(s): a few from Fossen

Norwegian structural geologist Haaken Fossen contributes two incredible images for this week’s Friday fold: a pavement of drastically-shortened banded iron formation from Minnesota, and a trio of three white granitoid dikes, buckled within a gneiss from the Jotun Nappe, in the Norwegian Caledonides. Gorgeous images of gorgeous folds, with links to the rest of Fossen’s collection.

Friday fold: Mars Hill terrane

Today’s Friday Fold comes to us via Pete Berquist of Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia. Check it out: Pete explains what’s going on here: I cannot provide an exact location but this is within the Mars Hill Terrane (MHT), which is an distinctive swath of Mesoproterzoic basement extending ~50 km x 100 km … Read more