
Join Callan for a virtual field trip, as he shares dozens of photos from a recent ‘field review’ of a new geological map in Virginia’s Valley & Ridge province. Highlights: graptolites, trace fossils, geopetal structures, folds and faults.

Lichens on Morrison sandstone

Picking up from Saturday’s post about ripple marks and cross-bedding in Morrison sandstone from north of Shell, Wyoming, let’s scoot away from the purely geological content for a moment, so that we can appreciate some beautiful orange/yellow radial lichens growing on one rippled sandstone slab: You can make that one bigger by clicking on it, … Read more


In honor of Mother’s Day, I offer up an unusual bouquet of flowers… These are not really flowers, of course, but an odd form of lichen that I found in the Crazy Mountains of Montana last summer, growing on a spruce tree. Freaky little things, eh? All shots are with the macro function on: the … Read more