New macro GigaPans of cool rock samples

It’s time to bring you up to date on some of the latest imagery produced by the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection. All of the following images were constructed by my student Robin Rohrback-Schiavone, on the GIGAmacro photographic imaging system in our lab… Several of the Precambrian samples came to us on loan from Jay Kaufman of … Read more

El Paso geology via GigaPan

This spring, I traveled to west Texas to assist Joshua Villalobos of El Paso Community College in capturing a series of GigaPan images, in hopes of creating a comprehensive virtual field experience revealing that area’s spectacular geology. Since then, my student Robin Rohrback-Schiavone has been using our GIGAmacro photographic imaging system to make a series … Read more

Off to GSA

This morning I’m on a flight to Denver, for the 125th anniversary annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. The annual GSA meeting is a special time of year for me, and for many geology professionals across the country. It’s an intense half-week of talks, sharing, learning, networking, hanging out with old friends, meeting … Read more

Exploring Wind River Canyon’s Great Unconformity in outcrop and hand sample (via GigaPan)

Over the summer, I shot these two GigaPans of the “Great Unconformity” in Wind River Canyon (Owl Creek Mountains), Wyoming: [gigapan id=”136109″] link [gigapan id=”136122″] link This week, Team M.A.G.I.C. (by which I mean my student Robin Rohrback-Schiavone) finished up a series of three macro GigaPans of rock samples from the site (made with our … Read more

Halite casts from Tonoloway Formation under the GIGAmacro lens

The work of team M.A.G.I.C. continues. This is a lovely sample quartet of salt cast samples from Silurian-aged Tonoloway Formation limestone. I collected these samples on Corridor H’s newly-opened section west of Moorefield, West Virginia, last spring. The big one at the bottom was collected by my friend Leigh Henry, who graciously loaned it to … Read more

Sand fom Þorlákshöfn, Iceland, under the GIGAmacro lens

I think this one of the most fascinating batches of sand we’ve yet had the pleasure of macro-GigaPanning: [gigapan id=”140392″] link So much igneous goodness hidden in those grains, collected from a beach on the south of Iceland… The image was made by Robin Rohrback-Schiavone (my student at NOVA) as part of the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image … Read more

New macro GigaPans of sedimentary rocks from the Massanutten Synclinorium

I have two new GigaPans of hand samples to share with you this morning… The Edinburg Formation graptolites from Mint Spring, Virginia, that I featured here back in May, can now be explored in GIGAmacro hand sample: [gigapan id=”140510″] link Students: are these colonial or solitary organisms? Benthic, nektonic, or planktonic? Does this relate to … Read more

New Rockies GigaPannery

Several new GigaPans I’ve produced over the past few weeks in the Rocky Mountains of Montana and Wyoming: [gigapan id=”135424″] link [gigapan id=”135511″] link [gigapan id=”135562″] link [gigapan id=”136069″] link [gigapan id=”136098″] link [gigapan id=”136109″] link [gigapan id=”136259″] link [gigapan id=”136122″] link

The latest flood on Passage Creek

We had another flood on Passage Creek on Wednesday, and into Thursday morning. Here are a few photos and GigaPans for those of you who like flood imagery: [gigapan id=”129543″] link [gigapan id=”129490″] link [gigapan id=”129569″] link Making GigaPans of the scene: Some images of the flood itself: Aftermath: 10.3 feet  was … Read more