Upturned Paleozoic strata on Highway 16, Bighorns, Wyoming

Here’s a terrific outcrop to start off the new year at Mountain Beltway. We’re back in the Bighorns of Wyoming here, on highway 16, traversing the southern portion of the range en route from Buffalo to South Pass City. Click to enlarge Annotated, expanded, and Easter-egg-embedded: Click to enlarge From a different perspective (uphill a … Read more

Friday fold: Bighorn monocline

Happy Friday! The last one of 2012, in fact! To celebrate, check out this monocline on the western flank of the Bighorn Range in the Rockies of Wyoming: Click to enlarge Annotated. Check out those fine hogbacks! Previously, we also saw this same structure in this GigaPan: [gigapan id=”80440″] link

Stromatolites of the Green River Formation

The summer before last (2011), I spent some time in Wyoming on an energy resources field trip run by Sheridan College, and one stop we made was to look at “oil shale” (really kerogen-rich marlstone) of the Green River Formation, an Eocene lake deposit in southwestern Wyoming. The oil shale is exposed on the east … Read more

Digital images of the “Digital Geology Speed Dating” session at GSA

Justin Samuel at GSA sent me these images from the annual meeting in Charlotte. They show me demonstrating GigaPan technology at the Pardee Symposium called “Digital Geology Speed Dating”. With my colleagues Ron Schott and Jen Piatek, I suggested that GigaPans are a cool medium with readily obvious geologic usage for research, outreach, and education. … Read more

Another batch of GigaPans from the M.A.G.I.C. project

My students Alan Pitts, Chris Johnson, Robin Rohrback and I have been busy adding to the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection. Check out a few of these new GigaPan images: [gigapan id=”118645″] link [gigapan id=”115600″] link [gigapan id=”118644″] link [gigapan id=”115165″] link [gigapan id=”114737″] link [gigapan id=”118648″] link [gigapan id=”114939″] link

New GigaPans: Red hole, Blue hole

Last Thursday, I shot a few GigaPans of moderately-dipping quartz sandstone layers (the Silurian-aged Massanutten Formation) in the creek a few miles from my house. All four GigaPans are at popular local swimming holes. The first three are from Red Hole, and the last one is from Blue Hole. Check them out: [gigapan id=”113761″] link … Read more