Dwyka Tillite in South Africa

My wonderfully named e-buddy Martin Bentley recently took a field trip to a quarry in South Africa (between Grahamstown and Fort Beaufort) where the Dwyka Formation is exposed: This poorly sorted sedimentary rock (a ‘diamictite’) is usually interpreted as glacial deposits (lithified till, or ’tillite’). Alfred Wegener cited these rocks and accompanying glacial striations (and … Read more

Friday fold: ice in Iceland

Searching for Peter Luffi’s latest Where On Google Earth? challenge, I found myself touring Iceland last week. While I didn’t find the strange comet-shaped feature he posted, I did find this: And zooming in a bit, to the high-contrast area in the center: This appears to be volcanic ash layers distorted by glacial flow and … Read more

Tillite in outwash

Hoo boy. This one made me yelp… While on the glacial geology of western Pennsylvania trip last Saturday, we visited a gravel quarrying operation. The operators were extracting gravel from a glacial lake delta deposit, and it was full of glacial outwash — sediments washed out from the melting front of the Erie lobe of … Read more