Miette outcrop

Here’s a cool outcrop of the Neoproterozoic Miette Group. Most of the Miette is classified as “slate” and “gritstone,” through these particular exposures, on the Icefields Parkway south of Jasper, are fine-grained and lacking in slaty cleavage. They don’t seem to have been too metamorphosed at all right here, as Sebastian shows in this photo: … Read more

More percussion marks

Yesterday, I introduced percussion marks to this blog space. Here are some other shots of this distinctive “shatter” structure, but in a vein of hydrothermal (milky) quartz exposed on Bear Island, between the C&O Canal and the Potomac River (about right here, just west of the trail): Sometimes percussion marks are accompanied by radial fracture … Read more

Veins perpendicular to foliation

To recap the week so far here on Mountain Beltway: On Monday we looked at some sweet vertical boudinage along the plane of tectonic cleavage (not to mention those folds in a (formerly) horizontal granite dike, now bearing vertical axial planes), and then on Tuesday we looked at a horizontal cut through that same outcrop, … Read more

Blue Ridge Thrust Fault field trip

One of Callan’s former students leads a field trip to examine the western edge of the Blue Ridge geologic province, attempting to answer the question of whether the Blue Ridge / Valley & Ridge contact is indeed the trace of a thrust fault. Breccias and S-C fabrics tell part of the story…