Friday fold: New Market / Lincolnshire formation contact, Staunton, Virginia

Happy Friday! Here’s a view of the folded contact between the (older, lower) New Market Formation, and the (younger, upper) Lincolnshire Formation, as exposed in Staunton, Virginia: The contact has been folded, pretty intensely: The New Market Formation is massive, light-colored, and exhibits fenestral texture here. The Lincolnshire is darker, more thinly-bedded, and is chock … Read more

Friday fold: Baxter and the boulders

Last weekend, after we checked Lily in for her race, I spotted some boulders near the check-in site. The next morning, once the race had started but before we could cheer her on, my field assistant and I went back to the boulders to check them out. My field assistant’s planners had forgotten to pack … Read more

Incipient boudinage in overturned Edinburg Formation

Boudinage is such a fun structure. Here’s an example from the roadcut adjacent to the quarry featured so heavily last week. The thick limestone stratum in the center of the photo has been stretched left-to-right. It exhibits pinch-and-swell structure, the first stage of boudinage. Small extensional fractures began to form in the boudin necks, accommodating … Read more

Friday fold: the case of the strangely stout stylolites

Today, we return to my field trip from last week, for a look at an odd outcrop of the Ordovician-aged Edinburg Formation: Note the car key with green lanyard, to provide a sense of scale. It’s folded, as the yellow bedding traces show in this annotated version: But what really caught my eye about this … Read more

A closer look at the recumbent anticline from last Friday

Last week, the Friday fold was presented in GigaPan format only, which led to a concerned reader lamenting that he couldn’t see it on his mobile device. (GigaPans are Flash-based images; they don’t work on Apple devices in the standard GigaPan format, though there is a perfectly suitable workaround with two extra clicks.) So, for … Read more

Friday fold: a recumbent anticline in an abandoned quarry

Yesterday, I spent a pleasant day in the field with John Singleton, the new structural geology professor at George Mason University. I was showing John a couple of sites I’ve used as field trip locations for the GMU structural geology class, and John was showing a couple of new sites to me – places he … Read more

Strained stylolites in Elkton East

Whoa – look at all that GREEN. You can tell this Virginia picture wasn’t taken recently. In fact, it’s another image from the field review I participated in for the Elkton East quadrangle back in May of last year. Somehow I start blogging these things, but run out of steam (or really more accurately: I … Read more

Geology and wine in northern Virginia, part II: the Valley & Ridge

Callan attends the Geological Society of Washington’s fall field trip, examining the relationship between grape-growing and the underlying geology of two provinces in northern Virginia: the Blue Ridge and the Valley & Ridge. With GSW compatriots, Callan visited Hume Vineyards in the central Blue Ridge province and North Mountain Vineyard and Winery in the Shenandoah Valley. This is part II of the field trip report.