Brittle overprinting ductile in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Phoenix, Arizona

Today, we take a look at the structural geology that reveals the deformation evolution (first ductile, then brittle) of the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, south of Phoenix, Arizona. Expect lots of photos of smeared-out rocks, broken by faults.

More Messengers from the Mantle

Since I showed off the 3D kimberlite intrusion breccias yesterday, I feel as if I owe you some other photos from that lovely exhibit at the IGC. I apologize for the poor quality of these photos – the gorgeous samples were behind glass and brightly lit, which made photography difficult. But the rocks are sooooooooo … Read more

Four new GIGAmacro images

Here are a few new images I’ve been working on with my home-based Magnify2 imaging system from GIGAmacro. Archean basement complex gneiss from the Gallatin Range of Montana: [gigapan id=”185543″] Link (If this looks familiar, that’s because one of the samples I imaged with the Photoscan 3D modeling technique and published on Sketchfab the week … Read more

Deformation associated with the intrusion of the Muleros Andesite

Yesterday, I showed off a few views of the contact between the Cretaceous aged Mesilla Valley Formation shale and the hypabyssal Muleros Andesite which intruded into it during the Eocene at Mt. Cristo Rey (on the US/Mexico border where Texas meets New Mexico). Today, I’d like to look at some of the structure associated with … Read more

Miette outcrop

Here’s a cool outcrop of the Neoproterozoic Miette Group. Most of the Miette is classified as “slate” and “gritstone,” through these particular exposures, on the Icefields Parkway south of Jasper, are fine-grained and lacking in slaty cleavage. They don’t seem to have been too metamorphosed at all right here, as Sebastian shows in this photo: … Read more

Aligned tourmalines

…in an Archean schist within the Superior Craton. Same outcrop as the criss-crossing dikes I showed yesterday. We’ve got tourmalines on the plane of foliation in the Setters Schist in Maryland, too, but they aren’t aligned like these Canadian tourmalines; instead the Maryland ones are scattered willy-nilly across the plane of foliation, like pencils on … Read more

Tavşanlı Zone field trip, part 6

Part 5 of the Tavşanlı Zone field trip left us eating lunch amid some fine blueschists. Of course, nothing tops off a blueschist lunch like… more blueschist. So after our meal, we took another stroll through the countryside in search of more interesting subduction zone rocks… I’;ve got a bunch more photos for you today. … Read more

Accretionary Wedge #28: Deskcrops

In honor of this month’s Accretionary Wedge (geoblog carnival; this month the theme is “deskcrops”), I recorded the following short video, showcasing some samples I have in my office: stromatolite (western Montana), conglomerate (Patagonia), schist (New Hampshire), anorthosite (New York), amygdular meta-basalt (Virginia), amphibolite (California), hematite concretions (eastern Montana), and a stretched-pebble lineated meta-conglomerate (Turkey).

Tavşanlı Zone field trip, part 3

Picking up where we left off last time, we were in some partly-serpentenized peridotite, part of the Burham Ophiolite in Turkey’s Tavşanlı Zone, an ancient tectonic suture. Our next stop on the field trip allowed us to visit some diabase dikes: Here’s a close-up of the right contact of the dike with the host peridotite: … Read more