Friday fold: just Kidding

You’re looking here at Mount Kidd, a peak in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rockies that displays a tight anticline/syncline duo superimposed on the strata of the Rundle Group. Located on the west side of Highway 40, the Kananaskis Trail, south of the trans-Canada Highway, this mountain shows us what happens with Carboniferous-aged carbonates … Read more

A faulted chert nodule

Here is a trio of concentrically-zoned chert nodules in Mississippian Castle Reef Dolostone, exposed at Sun River Canyon, Montana, just downstream from the roadside outcrop of the French Thrust: If you look closely at the lowermost of the three chert nodules, you’ll see it’s been split and offset by a small fault. Here are close-up … Read more

Stylolites in Mississippian limestone

Stylolites (pressure solution seams) in limestone of Mississippian age, exposed on the side of a rounded boulder in Hyalite Canyon, Gallatin Range, Montana. These stylolites, like most, are bedding-parallel, and thus most likely formed due to the weight of the overlying rock. Calcite, the dominant mineral, goes into solution under pressure, and insoluble material, like … Read more

Friday fold: west Bighorn monocline

While out in the field with Butch Dooley last week, making major discoveries like I do, I was very impressed with the landscape-scale west Bighorn monocline, which takes formerly horizontal Madison limestone and skews it to a westward dip where the mountains end and the intermontane basin begins. It’s totally sweet. Check it out in photo form and gigapan, too.

Two joints

Stopped at Sideling Hill, Maryland, a few weeks back with my three Honors students, on our way to Pittsburgh for the northeast/north-central GSA section meeting. Robin took this photo of me with some sandstone beds that reveal two nice examples of joint anatomy, complementary in their structure: First focus in on the area right of … Read more

French Thrust

That title sounds kinky, right? Well, calm down. I’m behind the curve on the latest Accretionary Wedge (as I was for the one before that), but here’s a quick image to join the parade of geologic photos that Ann is hosting. While it’s not my favorite, it’s definitely a favorite, more by virtue of the … Read more

Friday fold: Jefferson River Canyon

Here’s your Friday fold, straight from the canyon of the Jefferson River, near Cardwell, Montana. Perspective is to the south. East is on the left; west is on the right. Bigger version This is right next to the outcrops of LaHood Conglomerate that I mentioned earlier this week. My Rockies course co-instructor Pete Berquist and … Read more

Geology of the Richmond area field trip

On Saturday, after a fruitful 24 hours at the VCCS Science Peer Conference, my colleague Pete Berquist (of Thomas Nelson Community College) and I led a field trip to examine the geology of the Richmond, Virginia, area. We were joined by seven of our VCCS science-teaching colleagues and author Lisa Starr, a speaker at the … Read more

Fine faulting

Check it out: In the canyon of the Jefferson River, Montana, you can find yourself some limestone (Mississippian Madison Group, I think of the Lodgepole Formation) that has seen a wee bit of faulting: And here’s an annotated copy… Both of these images are enlargeable by clicking through (twice): Note the quarter for scale: this … Read more