Friday fold: recumbent fold at Two Medicine Lake, Montana

Here’s a photo from Tom Biggs (University of Virginia), taken on the NOVA Rockies field course last summer. It shows a recumbent fold along the Front Range of Glacier National Park, in Montana, just north of Two Medicine Lake. I hope you get some ‘recumbent’ time this weekend… I know I could use some rest. … Read more

Friday fold: clear evidence of the work of the Intelligent Folder

Yesterday’s post showcasing my conversational critique of Intelligent Design got a lot of attention, including tweet love from @NCSE and @BadAstronomer, and a blog post at Pharyngula. So, at the risk of overkill, I decided to have a little fun with the Friday fold… Check out this fold that I found in float of Purcell … Read more

Friday fold: Mosaic Canyon Monster

While out in Death Valley with my Field Studies students last March, we encountered an extraordinary fold in Mosaic Canyon. Check this thing out: The rock is the Noonday Dolostone (“Noonday Dolomite” in mineralogically biased argot). It may be hard to make out what’s what there… So let me assist with a little annotation, tracing … Read more

AW50: The tweaked pinkie

My AGU Blogosphere neighbor Evelyn of Georneys fame is hosting this month’s Accretionary Wedge. Her topic? “Field camp memories”… I never attended a bona fide field camp myself, but I attended a lovely “regional field geology” course that my undergraduate alma mater, the College of William & Mary, put on each summer in the Colorado … Read more