Friday fold: recumbent isoclinal folds in Saruratown Mtn window, NC

Here’s a cool fold pair that rolled through my Twitter feed today: 2nd day Appalachian field trip. Recumbent isoclinal folds on a clear morning at Sauratown Mtns window NC — Joe Allen (@CU_in_the_field) October 6, 2017 Joe Allen gave me permission to share it with you here. Here’s the photo with bedding traced out … Read more

Monday macrobug: Orange wasp

Saw this one on the Neoacadian Inner Piedmont field trip before GSA in the fall… I guess it’s something of a break from tradition to show you a bug from any place other than my yard, but this one’s pretty enough to justify the excursion… Yes, that’s the Walker Top Granite that it’s resting on.

Friday fold: the folded xenoliths of Duck Creek

On Duck Creek (Ellendale, NC quadrangle), you can see folded xenoliths within the Toluca Granite (383 Ma, 378 Ma, or 368 Ma, depending on which mineral you ask). The granite there contains xenoliths that contain pre-exisiting fabrics and structures, and we stopped at Duck Creek on the pre-GSA-Charlotte field trip I took to the Neoacadian … Read more

Animated GIF of the Walker Top Granite

Here’s one of the cool rocks I saw on my pre-GSA-Charlotte field trip to the Neoacadian Inner Piedmont field trip: the protomylonitic Walker Top Granite (~366 Ma crystallization), which was deformed as the terrane it was intruded into got shoved up and to the west (and perhaps the southwest!). Here’s an animated GIF I made … Read more