Winter ichnology puzzle

Here’s a puzzler to warm up your chilly brain this Wednesday morning: Click to enlarge Figure out the story told by this set of imprints in the snow. The branch of science called ichnology studies the traces organisms leave behind. There’s a neat little story here. If you’ve got a guess, then you can check … Read more

GIGAmacro views of komatiite

Erik Klemetti posted today at Eruptions about komatiite, which is apropos, considering I just finished imaging some samples of that ultramafic volcanic rock. Have a look at three samples from Barberton Greenstone Belt here, each from the 3.27 Ga Weltevreden Formation: [gigapan id=”192621″] Link GigaPan by Callan Bentley [gigapan id=”192599″] Link GigaPan by Callan Bentley … Read more

Granite dikes that have been folded and boudinaged

It seems like a good morning to return to Ontario, and to the Archean shear zones exposed at the Quetico/Wabigoon subprovince boundary of the Superior Craton. Readers will hopefully recall that I spent several days absorbing structural goodness from these rocks on a field trip before the Minneapolis GSA meeting last fall. The trip was … Read more

Veins perpendicular to foliation

To recap the week so far here on Mountain Beltway: On Monday we looked at some sweet vertical boudinage along the plane of tectonic cleavage (not to mention those folds in a (formerly) horizontal granite dike, now bearing vertical axial planes), and then on Tuesday we looked at a horizontal cut through that same outcrop, … Read more

Skype as an EASY method of connecting scientists and students

This week, I took 20 minutes out of my day to have a conversation with a group of students… …in Canada. As you can see, our conversation was not in person, but mediated by the Internet’s video conferencing technology service called Skype. A free Skype account and a video camera allows free, easy video conversations … Read more

Slickensides on a fault cutting granite

Another shot from my pre-GSA structural geology field trip to the Superior Craton last fall, up in southern Ontario, Canada. The image shows slickenlines coated with brownish fault gouge and oxide staining, cutting through a high-potassium granite (see fresh surface at upper left). The slickenlines are little gouged grooves where asperities (bumps) on the block … Read more