Sleeping Inn with the Martinsburg Formation

Three new GigaPans I shot last Friday east of Staunton, Virginia, at a semi-legendary exposure behind the Sleep Inn at the 250 / 81 intersection. [gigapan id=”127959″] link [gigapan id=”127962″] link [gigapan id=”127961″] link Students: Which way is up? Which criteria did you use to make that determination?

GigaPan suite from the South Page Valley Martinsburg Outcrop

Are you into structure? Sedimentology? Stratigraphy? Well, I’ve got some good news for you – I’ve imaged several key outcrops on the newly-discovered (to me) roadcut on South Page Valley Road, showcasing the middle Martinsburg Formation turbidites (and their Alleghanian structural overprint). [gigapan id=”126510″] link [gigapan id=”126514″] link [gigapan id=”126509″] link [gigapan id=”126483″] link [gigapan … Read more

Incipient boudinage in overturned Edinburg Formation

Boudinage is such a fun structure. Here’s an example from the roadcut adjacent to the quarry featured so heavily last week. The thick limestone stratum in the center of the photo has been stretched left-to-right. It exhibits pinch-and-swell structure, the first stage of boudinage. Small extensional fractures began to form in the boudin necks, accommodating … Read more

Friday fold: the case of the strangely stout stylolites

Today, we return to my field trip from last week, for a look at an odd outcrop of the Ordovician-aged Edinburg Formation: Note the car key with green lanyard, to provide a sense of scale. It’s folded, as the yellow bedding traces show in this annotated version: But what really caught my eye about this … Read more

Slicks in Cub Sandstone

During Alleghanian deformation (late Paleozoic), the Cub Sandstone we looked at yesterday was tilted to near vertical at Catherine Furnace. The shale layers developed cleavage at this time, and there was evidently some flexural slip between sandstone layers, to judge from these fine slickensides: Students: Can you deduce the sense of motion from the orientation … Read more

Upper Martinsburg “Cub Sandstone” in GigaPan

Today, two GigaPans shot of the uppermost Martinsburg Formation, informally known as the “Cub Sandstone” since it crops out along Cub Run in the southern part of the Massanutten range. 10 or 15 meters upsection (west) of these two outcrops is the base of the Silurian-aged Massanutten Sandstone, the ridge-forming unit. Lower in the section: … Read more

A closer look at the recumbent anticline from last Friday

Last week, the Friday fold was presented in GigaPan format only, which led to a concerned reader lamenting that he couldn’t see it on his mobile device. (GigaPans are Flash-based images; they don’t work on Apple devices in the standard GigaPan format, though there is a perfectly suitable workaround with two extra clicks.) So, for … Read more

Bouma ABE

The initials ABE might make you think of Lincoln, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Today, the letters mean something else: three subdivisions of the 5-part Bouma sequence of turbidites. I took these photos on a new (to me) outcrop of the Ordovician-aged Martinsburg Formation in Page County, Virginia. I visited the site for … Read more

Friday fold: a recumbent anticline in an abandoned quarry

Yesterday, I spent a pleasant day in the field with John Singleton, the new structural geology professor at George Mason University. I was showing John a couple of sites I’ve used as field trip locations for the GMU structural geology class, and John was showing a couple of new sites to me – places he … Read more