Friday fold: Flow banding in obsidian, Newberry Volcano National Monument, Oregon

Lockwood Dewitt is the purveyor of this week’s Friday fold ensemble: All these folds are primary (not tectonic) in nature: they are flow banding of the viscous lava that oozed out to make the Big Obsidian Flow at Newberry. And closer in: One more: Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing, Lockwood! Happy Friday, everyone!

Friday fold: Valentine’s Day at Newberry Caldera’s big obsidian flow

Scott Johnson contributed this special “Valentine’s Day” edition of the Friday fold: a lovely primary igneous structure that evokes a heart: That’s a close-up view (lens cap for scale) that Scott took when he GigaPanned this feature: [gigapan id=”137203″] link … the big obsidian flow at Newberry Crater in Oregon. That’s a really dry lava … Read more