DCSWA tour

Yesterday, I took about fifteen members of the DC Science Writer’s Association on a walking tour of DC’s geology. I was honored to present the capital city’s epic geologic story to an esteemed crowd of professional science writers from Nature, Science, the National Academies, the National Institutes of Health, the Washington Post, and other institutions. … Read more

Friday fold: OSF migmatite

Migmatite schist sample from Orange Springs Farm, near Unionville, Virginia, with cm-demarcated pencil for scale. Sample was cut and polished. Here’s what the untreated sample looks like: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDDcLVp_4Ss] Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend. I’m off to the Northeastern / North-Central joint section meeting of the Geological Society of America today. We’ll see if my time … Read more

News from the Billy Goat Trail (3): grab bag

Okay, a final post (for now, anyhow) sharing some images from last Friday’s field trip to the Billy Goat Trail, in Potomac, Maryland. Yesterday we looked at lamprophyre dikes, but there are other dikes on the Billy Goat Trail, too. Like this granite pegmatite: What’s interesting to me about this is that the joint set … Read more

News from the Billy Goat Trail (1): Graded beds

I took my structural geology students out the Billy Goat Trail (upstream half of the “A” loop, near Potomac, Maryland) last Friday, and had them gather data for a project to assess whether or not Mather Gorge is controlled by a fault. I got this idea from Aaron Martin, the structural geologist at the University … Read more