Guest post: Red Rock Canyon

A guest post by Callan’s student Jacob Douma Traveling with Callan Bentley and Pete Berquist through the Canadian Rockies on their Regional Geology Field Course in July 2012, we were exposed to a variety of physiographic features. Among them, was Red Rock Canyon located 16 km from Waterton Townsite within Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. … Read more

What those geologists were looking at

Yesterday, I showed you a scene of geologists (including me) clustered around some (presumably interesting) outcrop. I asked what you thought we might be looking at. Howard Allen, a denizen of this part of the globe, immediately identified the scene as that of the downstream end of the Athabasca Glacier. Several people guessed that we … Read more

Tool casts from the Sulphur Mountain Formation of the Spray River Group, Banff

Yesterday I showed you salt casts; today I’ll share a different kind of cast: the infillings of small scorings in the sediment made by tumbling pebbles or sticks or other “tools,”tumbling down a current. These small gouges were later infilled from above by a younger deposit of sediment (frequently coarser in grain size). You’re looking … Read more

Salt casts from Purcell (Belt) Supergroup rocks, Waterton National Park

I’ve previously mentioned the lovely salt casts that can be found in Mesoproterozoic argillites of the Belt (“Purcell” in Canada) Supergroup of the Canadian Rockies (including the North American portion of the Canadian Rockies: Glacier National Park and the Sevier fold and thrust belt immediately south of it). When I led my Rockies field class … Read more

Leopard rock of the Yaak

After our “pre-honeymoon” sojourn to the Canadian Rockies last summer, Lily and I returned to the U.S. via Porthill, and then drove over to a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time: Yaak, Montana. Yaak (or “the Yaak“) is way up in the Kootenai National Forest, in way-way-way-northwesternmost Montana. We camped out … Read more

More percussion marks

Yesterday, I introduced percussion marks to this blog space. Here are some other shots of this distinctive “shatter” structure, but in a vein of hydrothermal (milky) quartz exposed on Bear Island, between the C&O Canal and the Potomac River (about right here, just west of the trail): Sometimes percussion marks are accompanied by radial fracture … Read more