Veiled geology at Naked Creek

As I mentioned, Monday had me out in the field, looking at the western Blue Ridge and eastern Valley & Ridge provinces in Virginia. This was a field review for the new geologic map of the Elkton East quadrangle by Chelsea Jenkins, Chuck Bailey, Mary Cox, and Grace Dawson. Immediately after lunch, we visited an … Read more

Overturned bedding in the Weverton (?) Formation

On Monday, I was out in the field at the Blue Ridge / Valley & Ridge transition (“boundary”?) in the Elkton East quadrangle, where Chuck Bailey and students (from the College of William & Mary) were leading a field review of their new geologic map. A field review is a form of field-based peer review, … Read more

Friday fold: ball & pillow in volcanic ash

Another guest Friday fold – this one supplied by Ander Sundell of the College of Western Idaho, and his student Katie Ursenbach, who took the shot and gave permission for me to re-post it here. You’re looking at cuspate-lobate folds due to primary sedimentary settling. the Snake River Canyon in southwestern Idaho. A pile of … Read more

Friday folds: Cape Liptrap

I got this note via email last week. Hi Callan, First of all, congratulations to your blog. It is just great. I would like to contribute to your “Friday fold” section. A few words about myself. I am born in Austria and did my BSc and MSc at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben. In September 2011 I started … Read more

Blue Ridge Thrust Fault field trip

One of Callan’s former students leads a field trip to examine the western edge of the Blue Ridge geologic province, attempting to answer the question of whether the Blue Ridge / Valley & Ridge contact is indeed the trace of a thrust fault. Breccias and S-C fabrics tell part of the story…

Castner Marble

The Castner Marble is an extraordinary Mesoproterozoic limestone (later re-crystallized and metamorphosed) that exhibits some primary structures (both explicit and ambiguous) and some secondary (tectonic) overprints. It’s exposed in the Franklin Mountains of west Texas.