Negative halite molds from Belt argillite

As a follow up to last week’s post about halite casts in a hand sample I collected in western Montana’s Belt Supergroup, here’s another example. Unlike those (larger) examples of halite-shaped mud cubes, this sample shows (smaller) examples of the empty space left behind by the dissolved salt crystals: Image is scanned, and the penny … Read more

The best cross-bedding you’ll ever see

Setting aside the lack of scale, it really doesn’t get any better than that. Click through to make it huge. This is the Navajo Sandstone, early Jurassic (or late Triassic?) in age. It’s in Zion National Park, Utah. Wind direction was from the right towards the left, as these preserved slip-faces of ancient dunes indicate. … Read more

Friday fold(s): the Outdoor Lab

Today’s Friday fold takes me back 25 years, to when I visited the Outdoor Lab with my science class in Arlington County Public Schools. I revisited this exemplary outdoor education facility on Tuesday, at the invitation of its director, Neil Heinekamp. Neil wanted a geology “expert” to take a look at their rocks, and I … Read more

Three other interesting gravestones

While exploring the Rock Creek Cemetery last week, I noticed a couple of other interesting graves. This one, made of limestone, shows nice “reverse” cross-bedding: Here; I dialed up the contrast a bit to highlight these cool primary structures: It’s “reverse” because the tilting direction of the cross-beds switches from left (at the bottom) to … Read more

Some cool rocks from DGMR’s rock garden

A brief tour of some cool rocks, shown in close-up, from the rock garden at the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Geology and Mineral Resources in Charlottesville, Virginia, presented as a follow-on to the gigapan of the garden shown a month ago. The post features close-ups of plumose structure in slate, epidote slickensides, and graded bedding in ancient rhythmites.

Just add water

My friend JT, who got her MS in geology at the University of Maryland when I did, is now at the Colorado School of Mines working on her PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering. A water main broke outside her house this morning, and I’m pleased that her first thought was to photo-document the resulting … Read more