Miette outcrop

Here’s a cool outcrop of the Neoproterozoic Miette Group. Most of the Miette is classified as “slate” and “gritstone,” through these particular exposures, on the Icefields Parkway south of Jasper, are fine-grained and lacking in slaty cleavage. They don’t seem to have been too metamorphosed at all right here, as Sebastian shows in this photo: … Read more

Guest post: Red Rock Canyon

A guest post by Callan’s student Jacob Douma Traveling with Callan Bentley and Pete Berquist through the Canadian Rockies on their Regional Geology Field Course in July 2012, we were exposed to a variety of physiographic features. Among them, was Red Rock Canyon located 16 km from Waterton Townsite within Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. … Read more

Salt casts from Purcell (Belt) Supergroup rocks, Waterton National Park

I’ve previously mentioned the lovely salt casts that can be found in Mesoproterozoic argillites of the Belt (“Purcell” in Canada) Supergroup of the Canadian Rockies (including the North American portion of the Canadian Rockies: Glacier National Park and the Sevier fold and thrust belt immediately south of it). When I led my Rockies field class … Read more

Friday fold: scenes from the trail to Bertha Lake

Given that I’m leaving tomorrow for the Canadian Rockies, I’ve been inspired to look through some of my photos from last summer, and to realize how few of them I’ve blogged so far. So let me show you some folded things today that Lily and I saw the afternoon we arrived at Waterton Lakes National … Read more

Leopard rock of the Yaak

After our “pre-honeymoon” sojourn to the Canadian Rockies last summer, Lily and I returned to the U.S. via Porthill, and then drove over to a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time: Yaak, Montana. Yaak (or “the Yaak“) is way up in the Kootenai National Forest, in way-way-way-northwesternmost Montana. We camped out … Read more

Virginia geology on video: The Grenville Orogeny & the rifting of Rodinia

I’m playing around with Microsoft Expression screen capture for the book project I’m working on, and here is a video I worked up yesterday as a demonstration of this new way of telling a geologic story: The Grenville Orogeny and the rifting of Rodinia (opening of the Iapetus Ocean): [youtube=”www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6itZWD8bQc”] I’m frustrated by the way … Read more