Snowball students visit the University of Maryland

The final meeting of my spring semester Snowball Earth class was a field trip to the University of Maryland, hosted by Snowball guru Jay Kaufman, a specialist in chemostratigraphy using stable isotopes. Here, Jay welcomes the class to his wet lab: Doing chemostratigraphy takes lots of samples. Here’s a drawer full of samples from one … Read more

Visiting the Swift Run

I took my structural geology students to that fine outcrop of the Swift Run Formation in eastern Shenandoah National Park on Friday. There, we saw lovely primary structures with tectonic fabric overprinting (as I have showcased here previously). Consider this graded bed with subsequent (vertical) cleavage: And here’s the hinge of a nice passive fold, … Read more

Castner Marble

The Castner Marble is an extraordinary Mesoproterozoic limestone (later re-crystallized and metamorphosed) that exhibits some primary structures (both explicit and ambiguous) and some secondary (tectonic) overprints. It’s exposed in the Franklin Mountains of west Texas.

Tafoni weathering of Malmesbury Group turbidites

Some tafoni (pattern of little weathering pits) expressed on Malmesbury Group (~700 Ma) turbidite sandstones at a little outcrop on the eastern shore of False Bay, South Africa: That last one seems to have some concentric layering to the tafoni pits – exfoliation? Spheroidal weathering? Hmm…

Wyler Aerial Tramway and the Franklin Mountains of West Texas

Riding a cable-car up the side of the Franklin Mountains, Callan checks out the local stratigraphy and structure (and igneous intrusions). Join him on an insightful cruise up several thousand feet and through a billion years of geologic time.