Ice seeps along Passage Creek

This past week, there’s been a beautiful sight along the stretch of the Fort Valley Road that goes past the Blue Hole section of Passage Creek. Click to enlarge Ice has been forming beautiful forms as groundwater seeps out along bedding planes in the Massanutten Sandstone (a Silurian-aged quartz arenite, folded during late Paleozoic Alleghanian … Read more

Massanutten trip double-feature

As soon as I got back from GSA, I had to run two field trips, back to back. Both are the same trip: my Historical Geology field trip to the Massanutten Synclinorium. Here’s yesterday’s crew perched on a moderately-dipping slab of Massanutten Sandstone along Passage Creek: Today, it’s the same routine all over again, though … Read more

Halite casts from Tonoloway Formation under the GIGAmacro lens

The work of team M.A.G.I.C. continues. This is a lovely sample quartet of salt cast samples from Silurian-aged Tonoloway Formation limestone. I collected these samples on Corridor H’s newly-opened section west of Moorefield, West Virginia, last spring. The big one at the bottom was collected by my friend Leigh Henry, who graciously loaned it to … Read more

Upper Martinsburg “Cub Sandstone” in GigaPan

Today, two GigaPans shot of the uppermost Martinsburg Formation, informally known as the “Cub Sandstone” since it crops out along Cub Run in the southern part of the Massanutten range. 10 or 15 meters upsection (west) of these two outcrops is the base of the Silurian-aged Massanutten Sandstone, the ridge-forming unit. Lower in the section: … Read more

Using M.A.G.I.C. to zoom in on trace fossils

Yesterday, I worked on my sabbatical project, the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection (M.A.G.I.C.). Whether I go outside on a given day to shoot GigaPans of local geology depends on multiple factors: (a) How’s the weather? (b) Do I have to watch Baxter? (c) Can I bring Baxter with me? (d) How are the lighting conditions? Yesterday … Read more

Another batch of GigaPans from the M.A.G.I.C. project

My students Alan Pitts, Chris Johnson, Robin Rohrback and I have been busy adding to the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection. Check out a few of these new GigaPan images: [gigapan id=”118645″] link [gigapan id=”115600″] link [gigapan id=”118644″] link [gigapan id=”115165″] link [gigapan id=”114737″] link [gigapan id=”118648″] link [gigapan id=”114939″] link

New GigaPans: Red hole, Blue hole

Last Thursday, I shot a few GigaPans of moderately-dipping quartz sandstone layers (the Silurian-aged Massanutten Formation) in the creek a few miles from my house. All four GigaPans are at popular local swimming holes. The first three are from Red Hole, and the last one is from Blue Hole. Check them out: [gigapan id=”113761″] link … Read more

Friday fold: Nashoba migmatite

The Friday fold is a contribution from the Massachusetts Geological Survey. It shows a migmatite with lovely structure. An upcoming (free) field trip to this location will be part of the 2012 Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum: an event readers may be interested in attending

Friday fold: Veach Gap anticline, in GigaPan

[gigapan id=”98833″] GigaPan by Alan Pitts, as part of the M.A.G.I.C. project that we are working on. Here’s another one from a few meters away. Here’s a shot from 2.5 minutes after Alan saw this anticline for the first time. Here’s some shots of my own early visit to the site, after I first found … Read more