Friday fold: the Contorted Bed

Callan reviews the geology of the superlatively auriferous Witwatersrand Supergroup of South Africa, and then zooms in on a distinctive marker bed near the base of the sequence. The deformation in this particular banded iron formation (BIF) is an aesthetic wonder, as this suite of images reveal. The layer outcrops in the heart of urban Johannesburg.

Friday fold: a wrinkled mountain in Hermanus

While I was away in South Africa, both Brian Romans of Clastic Detritus and Evelyn Mervine of Georneys posted pictures of folds in quartzite of the Cape Fold Belt in southern South Africa. Well, I’m not going to be left out. Here’s a belated Friday fold for December 23, showing a bunch of sweet folds … Read more

Dikes crossing dikes

A pretty cool outcrop I saw on my pre-GSA structural geology field trip to the Superior Craton: Can you see what caught my eye here? It’s a nice series of cross-cutting relationships. A series of sedimentary rocks were sheared out and metamorphosed, transforming into schists with internal boudins, and then they were cross-cut by first … Read more

Friday folds (and boudinage): Superior Craton day 3, stop 1

Today the Friday fold comes with copious bonus structures. It’s the first stop we hit on Day 3 of the pre-GSA Minneapolis field trip to examine the structural geology of the subprovince boundaries within the Superior Craton. This particular site showed granitoid dikes that had been deformed during dextral transpression into a variety of structures … Read more

Friday fold: mafic metavolcanics

Okay – in spite of numerous distractions (see every other post so far this week), it’s time to return to the pre-GSA Minneapolis structural geology field trip. Our final stop of the second day in the field was a series of folded up mafic metavolcanics. I’ve got some photographs of them. These mafic volcanics were … Read more

Compton Peak: superb columnar jointing

After my talk Wednesday night to the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, I got an email from PATC member Tom Johnson, with an extraordinary photo attached. It shows an exceptional outcrop of the Neoproterozoic Catoctin Formation, exposed atop Compton Peak in northern Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. The outcrop features enormous, well-preserved cooling columns from these ancient … Read more

Shear bands in the Grassy Portage Sill

Continuing now with the discussion of my pre-GSA meeting field trip to examine the structural geology of the Quetico-Wabigoon subprovince boundary within the Superior Craton of southern Ontario, Canada. Our penultimate stop on the second day of the trip was a roadcut exposing the gabbro of the Grassy Portage Sill. This is what it looks … Read more


You may recall that I kind of like boudinage. So it piqued my interest when our field trip leaders (on the pre-GSA Minneapolis trip to examine the structural geology of the sub-province boundaries in the Superior Craton) said our next stop was to visit “pseudoboudins,” segments of granitoid pegmatites that looked like boudins but probably … Read more

Friday fold: Anticline / syncline pair

Today’s fold is an anticline and its neighboring syncline, both exposed along a newly-opened stretch of New Route 55, west of Moorefield, West Virginia. The new Route 55 is a classic porkbarrel boondoggle courtesy of the late Senator Robert Byrd, but doggone if it didn’t open up some lovely new roadcuts. Here’s a stitched image … Read more

Friday fold: cleaved slate in Kootenay National Park

This summer, a week or two after our wedding, my wife and I found ourselves in the Canadian Rockies for a pre-honeymoon. Part of our time was spent on a backpacking trip to Floe Lake in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia. On our hike in, we passed this outcrop of Chancellor Slate, a Cambrian aged … Read more