Bookshelfing in the Rockfish Conglomerate

Another thing I saw last week in the Rockfish Conglomerate were several nice examples of “bookshelfing,” which is when a rock or mineral fractures into pieces, and the pieces slide down relative to their neighbors, like a set of encyclopedias slumping outward on a bookshelf. This has the effect of shortening the grain/clast in one … Read more

“Boudinage” is my favorite geology word

The current edition of the Accretionary Wedge geology blog carnival (hosted by Evelyn Mervine of Georneys) is built around the theme of favorite geology words. My favorite geology word is derived from the French boudin, for sausage. It’s “boudinage,” and it’s best said with a heavy French accent and a leering, dirty expression. “Boo-din-ahhdj” I … Read more

Friday fold: a granite dike

This Friday, I give you a fold from the shores of the Rockfish River, south of Charlottesville, in Virginia’s Blue Ridge basement complex, and just down the road from the Lawhorne Mill High Strain Zone. The fold distorts (and improves) a felsic dike cutting the darker granite of the basement. You can make this (stitched … Read more

Fault in Massanutten Sandstone

Here’s a gigapan I shot last yesterday, looking west from “Blue Hole” towards a cliff of Massanutten Formation sandstone, south of Waterlick, Virginia. A prominent fault zone can be seen in the center of the image. [gigapan id=”78209″] Unfortunately, the auto-stitch deformed my face. I look like Quasimodo. Oh well. As usual, you can see … Read more

Three other interesting gravestones

While exploring the Rock Creek Cemetery last week, I noticed a couple of other interesting graves. This one, made of limestone, shows nice “reverse” cross-bedding: Here; I dialed up the contrast a bit to highlight these cool primary structures: It’s “reverse” because the tilting direction of the cross-beds switches from left (at the bottom) to … Read more