Mount Washington 4: folded granite dikes

We now return to Mount Washington, New Hampshire, where our intrepid heroes summit the mountain in a mere three hours (from Pinkham Notch via the Lion Head): To refresh your memory of the story so far, we had seen metamorphosed turbidites, like this one (new image): …and checked out some gorgeous metamorphic porphyroblasts of “pseudoandalusite,” … Read more

Friday fold: conference samples

At last weekend’s northeastern / north-central GSA meeting in Pittsburgh, David Saja of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History presented a talk entitled, “Geometric Analysis of Folded Greywacke Layers from Pacheco Pass, California.” [Abstract link] In addition to the standard PowerPoint presentation that 99% of GSA speakers use, David also brought in some hand-samples (what … Read more

Shear band in a granite

Walking back to my hotel after departing the Northeastern / North-central GSA section meeting on Sunday, I noticed this fine shear band cutting across a polished slab of granite on the exterior of an office building in downtown Pittsburgh: You’ll notice some grain-size reduction along that shear zone, and what looks to be a decent … Read more

French Thrust

That title sounds kinky, right? Well, calm down. I’m behind the curve on the latest Accretionary Wedge (as I was for the one before that), but here’s a quick image to join the parade of geologic photos that Ann is hosting. While it’s not my favorite, it’s definitely a favorite, more by virtue of the … Read more

Friday fold: Buckled vein in the Catoctin

Another fold seen in the Catoctin Formation, where last week we encountered a very different style of folding — chevrons overprinting Catoctin foliation. Here, we instead have a light colored vein that appears to have been buckled into a semi-ptygmatic form. The trace of the foliation in the Catoctin is discernible, too. Enjoy your Friday!

Paddle hackle

Another serendipitous sighting on last weekend’s field trip to Thoroughfare Gap was this boulder of Weverton Formation, lying in the no-man’s-land between the railroad tracks and Broad Run: As you look at this boulder, I hope you will notice what caught my eye and prompted me to take the photo. There’s a big flat surface … Read more