Friday fold: the Scottish coast

Whilst searching the coastline of the U.K. for Where On Google Earth? #226, I found these lovely folds exposed in wave-cut platforms on the east coast of Scotland. I missed the actual location of the Google Earth screenshot (It was in Wales, and Anne Jefferson found it), but I’m happy enough to have found some sweet folds exposed in map view.

How many structures can you see here?

Last summer, in Bonner, Montana on my Rockies field course, I took the students to see some nice exposures of Belt Supergroup strata on the side of the road. We were keeping our eyes peeled for both primary structures (i.e., patterns in the sediment that formed at the time of their deposition) and secondary, or … Read more


I got to Pittsburgh around 1:30pm yesterday, which meant I had several free hours before the opening reception for new Fine Fellows. I took a bunch of photos of the exhibits there, but my traveling laptop doesn’t have the image processing software that I usually employ to resize these things, so for now I’ll just … Read more

Friday fold: a gummy worm

A week ago today, I went out on the Billy Goat Trail (near Potomac, Maryland) with a group of students: five from George Mason University’s GeoClub, and two that are current Physical Geology Honors students with me at Northern Virginia Community College. One of my students, Robin, observed this lovely fold, and called my attention … Read more

Tavşanlı Zone field trip, part 4

Picking up where we left off… I was telling you about the field trip I took through Turkey’s Tavşanlı Zone, a tectonic suture zone between fragments of continental crust that accreted during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Day 2 of the trip dawned and we broke fast, and then headed out to a bizarre … Read more